Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
For both tasks I used,mainly Photoshop to construct the magazines. For my school magazine prelim I learnt to use the eraser tool, which helped to make the image look smoother on the background and therefore i could use a block coloured background. For the front covers of the magazine i used totally different camera shots. For the school magazine i used a more zoomed in shot, but not a close up and also used the eraser tool. Whereas for my final front cover i used a more mid shot photo on a more detailed background of the picture.
For the contents in the school magazine i used simple fonts and did not use the full potential of photoshop, although for my final contents i used techniques such as changing the opacity and learning how to use layers and how to bring photos,writing and other objects forwards or behind other objects. I also used many photo editing sites such as Rollip and Picnik which i did not use for my school magazine.
Overall these programmes have helped my knowledge to improve my magazine to get it looking professional. With practice with Photoshop it has helped to improve my final magazine look well finished and neat.
The shot in my prelim magazine is a side/mid shot, and also my final magazine is a similar shot.
In my prelim the image was quite small and left a lot of blank space for my to write cover lines, although this was good in one way because it was easy to see it also made my magazine cover look quite bare and boring looking. Although for my final magazine because i used a full image for my cover it made it easier to make it look not so boring and dull. Although it look some time to fit the cover lines of effectively so they were not covering the main image of the model. And also it was hard to find a coloured font that showed up on the background that was eye catching.
The title for my prelim was not very bold or noticeable and was quite a dull font for both the title and the cover lines. The contents was quite bare and not very eye-catching for the reader and left a lot white plane space which did not look professional or realistic. Whereas my magazine showed a variety of colours and fronts to make it interesting and effective. Although there is still some plane space in my contents I have used the flowered pattern to cover up this and make it look more professional and smart looking.
You need to include more detail that references the skills that you have developed e.g composition of shots - what have you learned/changed/developed.